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Awakening Lucy Page 4

  After dinner and after the show, I debated with myself whether to make my excuses and not go dancing late in the evening. Nick must have sensed that I was wavering, as he threw out a challenge:

  "Too tired for dancing tonight? The class this morning was difficult, I completely understand if you don't think you have the energy to go to the nightclub tonight".

  I turned to look at him, sure that I had heard a teasing note in his voice, but his face was deadpan and I didn't know him well enough to know if he was serious or not. I decided to call his bluff, if that's what it was and told him that I would go.

  That night, the nightclub was running a 70's theme night, so the opportunity to dance closely did not arise, it was mostly disco style, and some formation dances, such as the Nutbush and the Bus Stop, so I was happy that I had gone. We didn't stay very late, as the next day we would be arriving in Bermuda, and everyone wanted to see the sights, so when I went to bed that night, I was happy to see that Mum was already in bed, softly snoring.


  The next morning, as arranged, everyone met early for breakfast. We were due to dock around eight am, and many of us wanted to watch the ship dock. Through the window, we could see the island growing larger as we approached, and could make out houses as we sailed past – they all seemed to be pastel coloured and the whole effect was quite pretty – the different coloured houses nestled in amongst the trees on the hilly island, with the twin blue backdrops of sky and sea. Even though I was not at all artistic, I could appreciate how it might look to someone with an eye for composition – such as a painter or a photographer. I noticed that Sarah was looking particularly pensive, I knew of her hobby as a photographer, and thought she might appreciate the view. Just then Adam turned to her and said something so softly that only Sarah could hear, and her face lit up with happiness. Although I didn’t regret never marrying, I could still envy the something special that Adam and Sarah had. They were both so happy with each other – how could anyone not want that?

  Amelia turned to me and asked what I was planning to do – reminding me that Adam and Sarah were catching up with Sarah’s friend Emily and her new boyfriend, who we hadn’t met. Amelia said that she and her family were going to get the ferry into St George’s to look around. St George’s had once been the capital and was the site of several historic buildings as well as some street theatre aimed at tourists. I said that I would check with Mum, but she overheard me and said:

  “Don’t you worry about me dear. I’m not interested in getting off a big ship and onto a smaller one, so I am just going into town – Percy said he heard there is transport to take passengers to the shops, so we are going to have a look around locally. You go off with the young people, and have fun. Nick, are you going too? I’m sure Sarah wants to catch up with her friend, so unless you want to tag along with Percy and me….”

  At this less than enthralling prospect, Nick was quick to say that he would go with us. Judy and Tom were also making up the party, so there would be eight of us in all.

  Just as we were finishing breakfast, the ship started slowing down and appearing to turn on its axis, so those of us who were finished rushed outside to peer over the deck rails. Bermuda looked lovely. There was an elevated point, and an old building on that point, and the water was so blue and clear! We agreed on a place to meet, and all went back to our separate cabins to collect what we needed for our day.

  When we assembled again, we were all there, Sarah was very excited at meeting Emily again. She had been disappointed that Emily could not join us on the cruise, and was vague as to the reason why, it had something to do with her partner’s work. They would meet us for the three days in Bermuda, including the wedding, which was most important. Finally, the ship was cleared by the local authorities, and we were all allowed to disembark. The passengers were filtered through a shopping area, and I noticed one couple who appeared to be scanning the faces of the passengers, they were clearly waiting for someone. I suddenly saw Sarah running towards them, and embracing the woman excitedly. Adam walked over and shook hands with the man. I looked more closely at the man. Although he was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, there was something very familiar about him. Adam turned then and made the introductions, although I heard that the man’s name was Richard, I still couldn’t work out where I had seen him before.

  There was a long queue for the ferry, our ship was one of two in port so there were a lot of people milling around. Nick took my hand and held me close to him, so that I wasn’t jostled by people trying to move past. When it was time to board the ferry, he leaned over close to the children, and whispered something to them – they then shot off at great speed ahead of all the people who had commenced boarding the ferry. Nick, still holding onto my hand, pulled me along quickly in the direction that the children went, and we found that they had secured eight seats! Both children were beaming up at their uncle, and he then pulled his wallet from his back pocket and gave them money!

  “What did you do?” I asked him, even as I sat quickly to avoid losing the seat offered to me.

  As Nick sat next to me, he leaned in close and said quietly “I offered them ten dollars each if they got ahead of everyone and got us all some seats. They'll try again on the return trip, but I don't know what this is actually costing me, with the conversion to US dollars!”

  At this I laughed out loud, Nick had bribed his niece and nephew to use their youthful speed and smaller size to work their way ahead of the crowd, and I really couldn’t complain if it meant I got to sit next to Nick for the entire trip. At this thought, I paused, and then decided to revisit that idea later. Nick was fun, and what harm could there be in enjoying his company for the day?

  It was a lengthy ride to St George’s as it was located at the other end of the island to where the ship had docked, but it was a lovely town to explore once we were there. On the ride over, Nick and I had decided that after looking around St George's, we were going to get another ferry to Hamilton, as due to the wedding taking up the entire day tomorrow, and on the following day the ship was scheduled to leave at four o'clock, we thought we might not get time if we didn't go today. Everyone had different plans, so in groups we went our separate ways after that.

  We wandered through a church and the State House and then found ourselves in a square where there were stocks set up. We watched the “ducking of the nagging wench” and then wandered off into a nearby pub for a cool drink and a snack. We didn’t really need lunch, there was so much to eat on the ship that neither of us was terribly hungry, just a little peckish. While we were sitting there, Judy and Tom wandered in, and seeing us, came over to share our table.

  “Phew, it’s getting warm out there”, said Tom, wiping his forehead. “Who would have thought when we met Sarah and Adam, that we would end up here to watch them get married? Lucky for us they did, I'm really enjoying this.”

  Nick and Tom talked for a while, Tom spoke about how he and Judy met Adam and Sarah, and I was interested to hear how it had occurred, as Adam had told me a bit about the cruise, but of course he spoke mostly about Sarah, he had glossed over anything that wasn’t Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!

  After a while all four of us made our way to the ferry terminal for the ride to Hamilton. Tom and Judy had apparently seen enough in St George's so were happy to fall in with our plans. When the ferry arrived in Hamilton, I was amazed to see yet another cruise ship docked - it was becoming very clear that tourism was this beautiful island's major industry, and tourists were everywhere. Hamilton was packed full of shops, some were the type where junky souvenirs could be bought, others had more local goods for sale. I had plenty of US dollars with me, when preparing for this trip I had been struck by the curiousness of Bermuda. As a former British colony, cars drove on the left, like back at home in Australia. Yet the proximity to the USA and historical close ties with the USA meant that although there was a local currency, US dollars were accepted on a one for one basis - as there were so many American tourists who v
isited each year. So at least I only had one mental calculation to do when considering the value of an item, converting it to Australian dollars to see if I was prepared to pay the price!

  Soon Tom and Judy wandered off and Nick and I were again left to our own devices. We stopped for a cold drink at a nearby cafe as it was quite humid and we were hot from our exertions. Then I saw the perfume shop. Bermuda has a line of perfumes and toiletries that are made on the island, many from local flowers. I couldn't help myself, but had to go in, smiling an apology at Nick, but also pointing out that there was a line of mens' products. The assistant showed me several items, and I ended up totally confused, there were so many scents that I liked. In the end I bought a bottle of perfume for myself, and some lotions for Mum in scents that I thought she would like. Nick had chosen a few items, and just as the shop assistant was totalling up his purchases, he added some women's lotions to the tally. I raised my eyebrows.

  "Well", he said defensively, "they might make good presents, and I'm probably not coming back here any time soon".

  I had to concede that he was right. As beautiful as Bermuda was, for us in Australia it was an awkward place to get to, so I doubted that I would ever be back. That just meant that I had to enjoy looking around while I was here! After making our purchases, we explored more of the town, venturing into back streets and marvelling at the buildings. So much was old, and so much had been built more recently, but was in the same style, so it was difficult to tell. One thing that struck me about Bermuda, was how clean it was. I hadn't noticed any litter, or any graffiti. It was a good sign that the people of Bermuda loved their island and were looking after it.

  We didn't return to the ship until quite late. Nick knew that Adam and Sarah would stay with their friends for dinner, so asked if I was in a hurry to return to the ship, which I wasn't. I was finding Nick very easy to be with, and enjoying his company so much that I didn't want to go back to the ship where I would have to share him with his friends and family. As a result, we ate a light dinner in Hamilton, then took a late ferry back to where the ship was docked at Royal Naval Dockyard. After we boarded the ship again - passing through security and placing our purchases on the x-ray belt, Nick and I went our separate ways. Nick was to be best man tomorrow, so needed to get sufficient rest. I also wanted to be well rested as Sarah had asked Amelia, Judy, Rose and I to help her get ready. Although normally people who weren’t part of crew or one of the passengers weren’t allowed on the ship, special arrangements had been made for Emily and Richard to attend the luncheon after the wedding, but they were not allowed on board before that.


  The next day dawned hot and humid, as many days in Bermuda do. Mum and I dressed and then went to the suite that Adam and Sarah were sharing. We knew that Adam was going to get ready in the suite that Nick and Percy were sharing, and then everyone would meet in a room that had been set aside for us, before leaving the ship to board our transport to the beach.

  Lana opened the door, already dressed in a pink and white party dress.

  “You look beautiful Lana”, said Mum, “I bet your Mum is pretty too”.

  Amelia bustled out of the bedroom then, carrying a bag that she set on the couch.

  “Come on”, she said, “There’s not much to do, we are just having some fun gossiping. Lana, Judy isn’t here yet, can you keep an eye on the door?” Then she led the way into the bedroom.

  Sarah looked beautiful. She was already dressed in a cream sheath dress, and was sitting at the dressing table applying her makeup. Amelia took a position behind her and started brushing Sarah’s luscious dark hair. She nodded to a bottle of champagne cooling at the end of the dressing table and some glasses.

  “Help yourself”, she said, “Sarah can’t drink any to settle her nerves, so we will have to do it for her”.

  Sarah smiled and patted her abdomen. She was just barely beginning to show, and I am sure when she stood up it would be barely noticeable. There wasn’t really much for us to do, just pass Amelia items as she required them for Sarah’s hair, but it was fun just standing around in a group of women and talking about not much, something that I had not done for many years.

  Judy entered then and after exclaiming over how beautiful Sarah was looking, commented on my choice of dress. I had chosen a pale green shift dress with a matching bolero and knew that it suited my colouring. I had my hair pinned up with combs and thought I had struck the right balance between the formality of a wedding, and the casualness of the venue.

  Finally Sarah was ready, her hair arranged expertly by Amelia, and we left to join the others. I wondered if all the men had gathered in one place like the women had. It appeared they had, as when we entered the room we had been assigned, the men gave the appearance of having just arrived shortly before. Adam and Sarah only had eyes for each other, but all I could see was Nick. The man was fine! He was wearing a dark suit to match Adam’s, and not only did the colour set off his skin tones perfectly, but it was exquisitely tailored and showed off his form to perfection. For a man in his early forties, he was in magnificent shape. Nick joined me, telling me that although he was happy to partner me off the ship, as the Best Man he would be partnered up with Emily on shore, as she was the Bridesmaid. I happily accepted his arm, thinking that for a time at least, I could enjoy being with such a handsome escort.

  Once ashore, we were met by Emily and Richard, and all of us boarded a minibus to take us to the pink sand beach that Sarah wanted the ceremony to occur on. I sat with Nick and we commented on the scenery as it passed by the window. Soon we were at the beach, everyone had been warned to wear sensible footwear as it would be too difficult to walk on the sand in heels - the bridal party were planning to discard their shoes for the ceremony so they could feel the sand in their toes. I thought it was a lovely idea, and was looking forward to the image of people so well dressed, but with bare feet!

  Nick preceded me off the bus and then we waited for the remainder of the bridal party. As Emily approached, Nick moved towards her and offered her his arm, and Richard and I were left together as the odd ones out. Richard smiled at me and offered his arm to me, and it was then that I realized why he looked so familiar. He might have given his name as Richard, but I had seen him in some TV shows credited as Rick Mulvaney, and I was sure that I had also seen some movie posters around. Now it became clear why Emily and Richard could not come on the ship - Rick couldn't risk the enclosed environment of a ship, where if a fan became a nuisance, he would not be able to get away. I smiled at Rick and he glanced at me, in his eyes I saw acknowledgement that he knew I had recognized him but was not going to say anything, and he smiled and inclined his head in a subtle nod.

  We followed the bridal party to the beach, and Rick and I stood together, I made sure that I was positioned in a way so that anyone casually walking past would not see past me to Rick. I wanted to make sure that no-one made a fuss over Rick and detracted from Adam and Sarah's day.

  The wedding was beautiful. The couple said their vows while facing each other, hand in hand, and staring into each other's eyes. Rick had manouvered us so that he could see Emily, which meant that as Emily was standing behind Sarah, I could see Sarah's face. I had never seen anyone so happy as Sarah looked at that moment.

  The other advantage for me was that I could see the back of Nick, and spent a bit of time appreciatively looking at his behind which was expertly clad in the tailored suit. I couldn't remember ever being so fixated on the male form, and I was hoping that no-one would notice me staring. I knew that Emily was facing me, but as I had glanced at her and knew she only had eyes for Rick, I thought that no-one else would be paying attention to what I was looking at.

  Nick shifted his weight from one foot to another, and I was fascinated by the brief interplay of muscles against the material of his suit pants. I started to wonder what it would be like to touch that bare skin right there.... Catching myself daydreaming, I began concentrating on the ceremony again, and managed to keep mys
elf from staring at Nick's behind long enough to follow proceedings.

  When the ceremony was over, a few photographs were taken in various arrangements. First there were a lot of just the bridal couple, and Nick and Emily headed towards us to wait until they were called. Emily went straight to Rick and gave him a big hug, and Nick came over to me with a big smile on his face, and to my surprise, also gave me a hug.

  "Phew, I'm glad that's done", he said in a relieved manner, breathing out.

  "Why, were you nervous? It didn't show". I replied.

  Nick turned to me and smiled. "Well I was, I imagined all sorts of nightmare scenarios, like forgetting the ring, or the tide would come in and wash us all off our feet or something like that. Anyway, it went off well, and now all we have to do is party. I am looking forward to dancing-"

  I didn't get to hear what Nick was going to say at that point as the photographer had motioned for Nick and Emily to join the bridal couple in the photographs, so with a smile of apology, they left us. Was Nick just looking forward to the dancing, or dare I hope, dancing with me?

  "Thanks for keeping me company, and for standing there, don't think I didn't notice that you planted yourself there deliberately", said a quiet voice at my side, and I turned with a start. I had completely forgotten Rick! I turned and smiled at him, not really knowing what to say, so we just smiled at each other conspiratorially and watched proceedings.

  I must admit to a slight pang of jealousy when Nick was positioned with an arm around Emily, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Rick twitch a little, and I smiled to myself. Nick and Emily did look good together, although Nick was clearly much older than Emily, and although Rick was involved with Emily, what was my excuse for jealousy?